Gervonta Davis knocks out Ryan Garcia in the seventh round with a body shot

Gervonta Davis' huge body shot prompted Ryan Garcia to take a knee. Gervonta Davis knocked down Ryan Garcia before finishing him with a body shot in the seventh round of the year's greatest fight. The two players squared off in front of the stars in Sin City during their primes; sadly, this is a rare occurrence in sports, but it could be a portent of things to come. Garcia entered the fight with a few inches of reach advantage, a half-pound more weight than Tank, and an 82.6% knockout rate compared to 'Tank's 92.9%. The catchweight for today's battle was 136 pounds, with a rehydration clause of 10 pounds. It continued into the eighth, with 'Tank' forced into a corner and Garcia landing a few of times. But, once again, his actions proved to be his undoing. Davis landed a left hand that needed to be replayed to determine its exact landing spot. Garcia knelt, but his endeavor was futile. Despite the fact that a body shot had caused it, blood was flowing out his nostrils. Some may question Garcia's resolve to stand. Naturally, they embraced after the bell rang.