Nigeria's'most attractive' athlete, Sade Olatoye, carries bags a medical master's degree with distinction

Meet Sade Olatoye, one of Nigeria's most attractive and intelligent track and field competitors. She has two degrees in medicine. Sade Olatoye, the hammer throw queen of Nigeria, is undoubtedly the most attractive track and field competitor in the country. As the current African champion in the women's hammer throw, Olatoye is well renowned for her abilities in the hammer throw and shot put competitions. She has won numerous continental medals for her nation.The stunning thrower is an exceptional academic distinction student in addition to hurling her implements at sporting competitions or during training. The 26-year-old was a standout both on and off the field during her time in college. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences from the Ohio State University in the spring of 2020. Likewise, she pursued her master's degree at the same university during her last collegiate year of athletics, with a degree in bioethics through the College of Medicine.