African nations that no current U.S. president has ever visited

The continent of Africa is rich in culture, history, and natural beauty, yet current US presidents have generally avoided traveling there. Only 16 of the 54 countries in Africa have had a visiting American president, leaving 70% of the continent unexplored. The following 38 African nations have never had a U.S. president in office: 1. Mauritius 2. Central African Republic 3. Mozambique 4. DRC 5. Namibia 6. Republic of the Congo 7. Niger 8. Sao Tome and Principe 9. Cote d’Ivoire 10. Djibouti 11. Seychelles 12. Equatorial Guinea 13. Sierra Leone 14. Eritrea 15. South Sudan 16. Angola 17. Lesotho 18. Burkina Faso 19. Libya 20. Burundi 21. Madagascar 22. Cabo Verde 23. Malawi 24. Cameroon 25. Mali 26. Chad 27. Mauritania 28. Comoros 29. Algeria 30. Guinea-Bissau 31. Eswatini (was Swaziland) 32. Sudan 33. Gabon 34. Togo 35. Gambia 36. Zambia 37. Guinea 38. Zimbabwe