Debt Management Office resumes accepting subscriptions for ?360 billion in FGN bonds

The bonds qualified as liquid assets for banks' liquidity ratio calculations and were listed on the Nigerian Exchange Ltd. and FMDQ OTC Securities Exchange.On Tuesday, the Debt Management Office (DMO) reopened the subscription period for four Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) Bonds, which have a value of ?360 billion, through auction.DMO stated in a statement on Tuesday in Abuja that the March 2027 FGN Bond, with a ?90 billion valuation, was the first offer. The bond, it stated, had a 10.-year reopening interest rate of 16.2884% annually.The second offer, according to DMO, is a ?90 billion FGN Bond due in April 2029 with an interest rate of 14.55% annually (10-year re-opening). The ?90 billion June 2033 FGN Bond is the third. It has an interest rate of 14.70% per annum (10-year re-opening), according to DMO.