AI, according to Elon Musk, will someday eliminate the need for labor

While many are worrying about how they will be affected by the impending AI employment apocalypse, Elon Musk has a somewhat optimistic idea of how AI will change the nature of work.As the UK's first-ever AI Safety Summit came to an end on Thursday, Musk told UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak that technological advancements will simply create a world "where no job is needed." Naturally, jobs can still be held "for personal satisfaction," but AI "will be able to do everything," according to Musk. And just how will humans be able to support themselves in this new world driven by AI? "You'll have universal high income," Musk told Sunak, presenting it as a superior alternative to universal basic income — one of Silicon Valley's dream solutions to income inequality — without specifying exactly how the two concepts differed.