Airtel and MediaTek work together to improve mobile connection in Nigeria

In order to power roughly 2 billion connected devices each year, MediaTek, a top global fabless semiconductor firm, has partnered with Airtel Nigeria, a top telecoms service provider.The partnership would involve the inclusion of hundreds of millions of people into the digital economy, hence boosting mobile connectivity throughout Nigeria, and it aims to foster technological improvements and improve mobile connectivity across the country.The main goals of our partnership with Airtel Nigeria are to improve high-speed internet access using cutting-edge chipsets, provide a greater selection of premium and flagship devices while assisting users in making the switch from feature phones to smartphones, and investigate cutting-edge AI-IoT technologies. This partnership will advance digital inclusivity, modernize Nigeria's connections, and advance sustainable development objectives. said Rami Osman, MediaTek Middle East and Africa's director of corporate sales and marketing.