The ten nations in Africa with the longest life expectancies

Life's story is characterized by its ambiguity. No one can fully predict how long they will live, and while the end point is unavoidable, the exact moment is still a complete mystery.The concept of life expectancy, a potent indicator that provides a look into the general health and well-being of a society, is at the center of this perplexing story. It measures the typical number of years a person born in a certain place may anticipate to live under current conditions, acting as a compass to lead us across the waves of existence. Importantly, even though they are unique to some nations, increases in life expectancy are an important indicator of development. Take Africa for example, the life expectancy has increased on average by 10 years per in the past two decades, according to the United Nations. The sharp rise during the period is a testament to the region’s drive for improved health and well-being of the population. According to the intergovernmental organization's World Population Prospect for 2022, a newborn in Algeria can expect to live for almost 77 years. With a 76-year life expectancy, Cabo Verde, Tunisia, and Mauritius were the next three countries. The ten African nations with the highest life expectancy are shown below, according to the UN: 1 Algeria 77 years 2 Capo Verde 76 years 3 Tunisia 76 years 4 Morocco 75 years 5 Mauritius 75 years 6 Seychelles 75 years 7 Libya 73 years 8 Western Sahara 71 years 9 Egypt 70 years 10 Senegal 69 years