Two allegedly Tanzanian warships were taken into custody by the Iranian navy on suspicion of transporting oil

Two oil ships that were allegedly smuggling gasoline in the Gulf were reportedly intercepted, according to Iranian official media on Friday.The tankers bearing the flags of Tanzania and Panama were being held by the IRGC Navy, according to Adm. Mohammad-Sharif Shirali, deputy commander of the Third Naval Zone of the IRGC Navy. The deputy commander announced, "Over the past two days, the Revolutionary Guards naval forces have taken two ships." More than 1.5 million liters (400,000 gallons) of Iranian oil and gas were being transported by the detained tankers, which were flying the flags of Tanzania and Panama, the official continued. He also added during the press conference on state television that the 37 crew members of the two vessels had been turned over to the appropriate legal authorities for the required legal processes.