The world's two most crypto-savvy nations are now both from Africa

Cryptocurrencies are now capturing the attention of the entire world because to their widespread adoption, use, and awareness. A 2023 global poll by Consensys and YouGov found that an amazing 92% of people around the world are aware of the buzz surrounding digital currencies.The enthusiasm isn't distributed equally throughout the world, though. While some areas are wary, others, particularly in Southeast Asia, South America, and Africa, view cryptocurrency as a sign of great financial promise. Nigeria and South Africa were found to be the two nations with the most knowledge about cryptocurrencies internationally, with Brazil coming in third. The survey involved 15,158 participants from 15 different countries, spanning an age range of 18 to 65 years. This multi-country study aims to provide a global and regional view of the perceptions people have around cryptocurrencies, NFTs, Web3, blockchain, and the metaverse.