Saudi Arabia's massive carbon credit purchase from Kenya raises doubts about climate change

Selling carbon credits may generate large sums of money for Africa, but it is unclear whether this will prevent global temperatures from rising.This analysis was supplied by BBC environment reporter Navin Khadka following Saudi Arabia's purchase of more than two billion tonnes of carbon credits in an auction in Kenya earlier this week. Companies can attain net zero emissions without cutting their own emissions by using carbon offsets. They pay other nations or communities through the carbon credit system by using clean stoves, for example, or by collecting and storing carbon from the atmosphere through protected and regenerated forests. "Will continuing to buy credits and emit help the larger cause of limiting our temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius?" Kenyan Trade Minister Moses Kuria noted that nations like Kenya had already paid a hefty price due to the rest of the world's carbon emissions before the outset of Wednesday's auction. “Just last year, the country lost animals worth more than $600m [£468m] as a result of drought which is closely associated with climate change,” he tweeted. The BBC's source claims that by 2023, the worldwide market for carbon credits might reach $50 billion, with a large portion of that money going toward projects like tree planting and renewable energy.