To solar power Nigerian homes, Simba Solar introduces the Talegent series

Leader in renewable energy, Simba Group, has introduced the Simba Solar 'Talegent' Series of products.This newest product is intended to make the transition to solar energy for Nigerian households easier. With specialized solar inverters outfitted with MPPT Charge Controllers and adaptable battery combinations, including the more sophisticated Lithium Ion, the Talegent series introduces cutting-edge technology to the market. The Talegent product line offers a unique solution in the market and satisfies a variety of residential energy demands. Speaking at an event organised to launch the product, Sandipan Bhattacharya, Business Head of Simba Group’s Power Division, championed this new energy solution, stating, “The Talegent Series marks a milestone in Simba Solar’s journey towards sustainable and efficient home energy use. At a time when energy costs are rising, solar solutions provide home users with a unique opportunity to enjoy regular power supply and reduce costs. However, these solutions can be quite complex and confusing. We at Simba Solar want to simplify the selection process for our customers.”